Jury Duty

Yesterday was my first day of Jury Duty. I had to get there by 8:30 and went through the orientation. From there, I ended up sitting until noon, waiting to hear my name. When I got there, it looked like there were close to 100 others along with myself. The Jury Manager came out 3 times and took 15, 15, and 25 people. The first two were civil trials and the last was a felony case.

I saw a couple people from each group come back, so I can only assume that they were released. Lunch time was coming and the lady got up again and said that there was only one more case that could need a jury for the afternoon, so they were going to let some of us that were left go. I was lucky enough to be in one of the five or so “groups” of potential jurors to leave.

I went back to work then. It was interesting, but very boring… I listed to 2 straight hours of Buzz out Loud, a CNet technology podcast. I read a little. I also found out that I can’t bring my phone at all today, so there goes my reading. I have an ebook reader on my phone, so I have to do something else. Perhaps today I will bring the gameboy.

2 thoughts on “Jury Duty”

  1. Wow, how about brining a REAL book?” HaHa, I just got my notice for jury duty last week!!!
    I have a couple of book on my ipod, and of course, I have real books 🙂

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