This weekend is the Radius spring retreat. I was planning on going, but yesterday I learned that the goalie that was going to play for me has to play for the other guy that requested time off before I did. Confusing isn’t it? PatW and I both had something else going on this weekend so we were both going to be using subs. Pat had his name on the list first. There are only 2 subs right now. Pat got one and I got the other. The one that Pat was going to have had to back out for whatever reason. That means that since Pat was on the list first, he gets to have the one that would have subbed for me. Which then means that I don’t have a sub.Â
So, for that reason I am staying home this weekend. But, this is Becca’s off weekend so I will get to see her more. 300 opens tonight, so we will probably go see it as well. Oh, and it’s Frank’s birthday tomorrow!
Yea for time with Becca! Wow, the 300 looks sort of like a cross between a video game and live action. Will Becca like it too?
Yep! Definitely yea for time with Becca. And yeah, 300 is based off of a graphic novel by Frank Miller (the author of Sin City, among others). She said it looks good. If it’s true and she does like it, I totally can’t let her go then! 🙂