Hope for the Light

This morning’s “Insight for Today” talks about Hope. It didn’t hit me exactly, but it did make me think back to the biggest trial period I have had in my life yet. I then thought about my friends that are going through similar trying periods.

“Take from us our wealth and we are hindered. Take our health and we are handicapped. Take our purpose and we are slowed, temporarily confused. But take away our hope and we are plunged into deepest darkness . . . stopped dead in our tracks, paralyzed. Wondering, “Why?” Asking, “How much longer? Will this darkness ever end? Does He know where I am?”

Then the Father says, “That’s far enough,” and how sweet it is! Hope revives and washes over us.

Are you ready for a light at the end of your tunnel? Look! There it is in the distance. It may be tiny, but it’s there. You made it! Your Father knew exactly where He was going…”

Please read the whole Insight.

Posted in: God