Okay, so this crazy guy in a red Acura was driving this morning with his sun-roof open. Oh wait, I was the crazy guy… 🙂
It was so warm this morning in my car that I had to open my sun-roof lest I burn up. The funny thing is that the radio said it was -5 degrees while I was doing this! I drove for about 25 minutes like that.
It mmust run in the family… I used to drive with my convertable top down while it was snowing all the time – heater blasting, snow falling…good times!
[quote]Okay, so this crazy guy in a red Acura was driving this morning[/quote]
did he have a John Kerry Sticker? 😉
Nope, why, did you get a new car? Nah, the ones with John Kerry stickers are crazy drivers, swerving, etc. This one was just plain wierd.