This last weekend was a riot! On Friday night a few of us went to the Saint Paul Saints game. The Saints lost the game, but we had a good time anyway. There is one picture in the [url=]album[/url] of Shauna (on the right) and a girl that we thought looked like she could be her sister, so Nick and Shauna went over and asked her to pose. It was pretty crazy.
The rest of the evening was spent at my house [url=]Fire Jumping[/url]! We have created a new sport, constantly trying to outdo a previous jump. It was great fun!
Saturday was spent celebrating Roxie’s birthday. Shanae reserved the community center in her neighborhood and there was a Prom style gala. It was a good time. I went on a blind date with one of Nora’s friends, Rachelle, that works at Minnesota Teen Challenge. A group of guys that had planned on going stag decided that Chris should go in drag, so the first set of [url=]pictures[/url] show Nora helping him get ready.
Disclaimer: The pictures shown here currently are from Nick’s camera. I have a few from mine that I will be adding as I have time.