Idea stolen from Lem
The day job is going well. There have been some hiccups with a few of the systems that I support that have caused some stress. Other than that, I still enjoy my time at work and mostly I enjoy the people that I work with.
I feel blessed that I have so many friends. They are literally everywhere around me and I rarely feel lonely unless I don’t make an effort to go out and be among them.
Good. I get along swimmingly with all of them.
Non-existant. I recently found out that a relationship that I felt was God-given and going to be for sure, appears to be a farce. While I know this is might not be accurate, I still can’t help feeling that Satan has won a huge battle. It goes back to the concept that Satan will do everything in his power to keep something that would be God honoring from happening. In reality, I don’t know. I spent quite a lot of emotional effort, so it will probably take a while to restore it.
I have finally gotten everything out of the old duplex. I had my final walkthrough yesterday and my old land lords were very pleased about the final state of things. They had no complaints and said that, except for the grass in the front yard where an old roommate stored a broken down car and where I stored a broken down truck for a while, it looked better than when I originally moved in. My house is wonderful. I still wake up sometimes and wonder if I am still dreaming.
In a bit a crunch right now because I had to pay 1.5 months rent and my first mortgage payment at the same time. Luckily I found out that I still have a bit of savings to cover the difference, so I should be okay. I read something that made a lot of sense to me the other day. It basically said that you should shower grace out of “overflowing”, not as a stream. I took it to mean that I need to save up a store of everything in my life; spiritual strength, emotional effort, finances, etc, before I should start blessing people again.
I’m feeling okay. I still have a bit of a cough, but it might be from the final cleaning of the old duplex.
[b]Spiritual Health:[/b]
I am doing pretty well, except the part mentioned in the love section. I have a peace about most things at this point. God is good!