6 Ways to Live as a Satisfied Single

6 Ways to Live as a Satisfied Single
New Life Ministries

1. Connect with God. Spiritual revival is the first order of business for all singles. Our single years—whether they are few or many—can be a time to connect deeply with God like none other. Like Paul said, it’s a time where you can give your “undivided devotion to the Lord” (1 Corinthians 7:35, italics added). Therefore, devote yourself to knowing God by reading, studying, and worshiping Him.

2. Connect with Friends. Being single doesn’t mean being alone. Hebrews 10:24-25 says, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together…but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” When you become a Christian by trusting in Christ, you become a part of God’s family as well. And in this family you’re called both to encourage and be encouraged.

3. Commit Yourself to Purity. In order to live joyfully and contentedly, you must commit your body and mind to the Lord. This is no easy task in our culture. Magazines, television, billboards, “friends,” and sometimes even family members will encourage what seems natural to the world: promiscuity, pornography, lust, and affairs. But God loves you too much to let you take a path that leads to pain and loss of dignity. You will surely encounter adversity, but singles can bear this cross with honor and self-respect. See the resources Every Single Man’s Battle and Every Single Woman’s Battle for direction and encouragement on this subject!

4. Live with Passion and Purpose. What do you love? What moves you? What interests you? What are you waiting for? You need to pursue what you love. Photography, theology, writing, music, languages, building, cooking, dance, medicine, sports…whatever keeps you up late at night or gets you excited is important to recognize and pursue.

5. Serve. Your passion should drive you to serve in some way. When your passion drives you to service, you’ll find great purpose in life. Do you enjoy sports? Maybe you could volunteer in a Big Brother or Sister program. Can you cook? Ask your pastor about needs in your church…perhaps you could make meals for families with new babies or someone who has a family member in the hospital. God gives each one of us unique talents and passions for the purpose of glorifying him.

6. Exercise Your Mind and Body. There’s great joy in dedicating our minds to studying God’s word, but there’s also great joy in worshipping him with our bodies. Exercise is a great discipline that gives you the needed energy to study and serve God.

Posted in: God