Moving on up, to the top!

I spent all day Saturday moving. Saturday morning was spent with Solly, Chris, Josh and I helping Shanae move the rest of her stuff out of her old house so the new owners can take over.

Saturday afternoon, Pat and Chris helped me get 70% of my stuff that I want to keep out of the old duplex and into my house. Pat had moved his stuff in that morning and he still had a truck, so we decided to use it.

I went to the 6PM Edge service which was good. Zgia was sitting next to me and she kept commenting on the guest speaker’s shirt. It was kinda funny because he had it open pretty low. Luckily, he had no chest hair popping out 🙂

After church a largish group went to LeeAnn Chin and had some dinner and then we went over to Shanae’s until hockey. John was visiting from Hutchinson to play hockey. I left a bit early because I had to run home to get my goalie pads. Shortly after I arrived, the rest of the Red Team chearing section arrived.

We started off really well. We got up 5 to 1 and things starting going down hill about 40 minutes in when we all got tired. We ended up losing 11 to 8. Again, we were missing 3 of our best players for various reasons. I am dissappointed about a couple of the excuses I heard though. For instance, one guy was out of town for some stupid college hockey tournament. I mean come on, why watch when you can play? I don’t want to come off as being bitter though because I am not. We were just a little frustrated after the game.

The highlight of the game was when a sub from the yellow team got a stick to the face and ended up bleeding all over the ice. He has a nice gouge up near his left eye now and his cheek was quite swollen.

Saturday night was spent at Shanae’s with the 8 of us still there staying up until about 3ish. We got up around 7:30 or 8 to Chris making an awesome breakfast. That guy rocks!

I was deep in thought most of the morning before breakfast. There were a few things that I was thinking through regarding relationships. Sometimes it is so hard to see where we should be going. We don’t always know if it is our selfish desire wanting something or if it is a God inspired desire. I talked it through with one of my best friends and I feel okay about it now. There is more to it, but I don’t want to go into it because it should not be made public.

I don’t have internet access at the house yet. Pat is working on that because he works for USInternet and he can get us a good deal.