FMSC: ‘Fimsk’
Feed My Starving Children. My bible-study did a “community service” style event last night. We volunteered at the Brooklyn Center FMSC site and packed food for kids around the world that don’t normally have it.
Our shift was from 8PM to 9:30PM, but the time went by really fast. We had two stations. One person put the chicken vitamin mix and the vegetables in the hopper, one put soy and rice in the hopper, one put the bag under the hopper and then weighed to make sure it was between 380 and 400 grams. Then the bag got passed to the sealer who then generally threw it to the boxer.
My station rocked. Of the 13 or so boxes we did, I fully believe that we did more than half! “We” consisted of (in order of job station listed above) Roxie, Tiffany, myself, and Katie. The other team was Nate, Scott, Jen, and Justin. Jason was the only switch hitter as he was the boxer and both teams used him.
It was a great time. The whole group (not just us from EBC) put together enough packets to feed 7776 kids, or 21 kids for a full year. It was amazing.
I expect that we will be going again. Oh, and Scott and I got these great hats! They are actually hair nets, but I formed mine into a beret. Speaking of which, I forgot to grab a picture of us. Does anyone have one to scan in, or are there any extras somewhere?
forget about the starving children – our team totally did way more packets of food than yours!