DSL Woes…

My Internet was down again but this time it is still down as I type this. It went down at 10:48AM yesterday morning.

Evidently Xcel accidently cut a bundle of fiberoptic lines while they were working on getting power back on for some of the twin cities.

It is frustrating because I host no less than 3 business sites on my server and for some reason when an email gets sent to one of these sites, instead of waiting for the connection to return and resending like normally, the server is getting a signal like “this line has been disconnected” and bouncing back to the sender… The sender then is given a message that the domain and user you send the message to does not exist. Weird.

EDIT 09/27/2005 18:11
I just got off the phone with Qwest again. It looks like I am back online!!! Yeah!