NHL (Hockey!)

I am finally starting to get into the Hockey Season mindset. In doing so, I looked up the new rules for this year. Some of them are pretty crazy and I don’t know that I agree with them… Anyway, if you are interested and haven’t seen them yet, [url=http://www.nhl.com/nhlhq/cba/rules_changes072205.html]here [/url]they are.

[url=mms://wm.nhl.na-central.speedera.net/wm.nhl.na-central/comp/feature/new_rules_700.wmv]Here[/url] is a 7 minute (or so) video that will explain some of the rules with visuals.

Tonight I play again at Polar Arena in North St Paul. Jason will be there as well. It should be fun. Last night at church, I talked to some people that play on Saturdays. We were talking about getting 4 teams together to play a “season”. That would rock!