Video of the Day: 01-10-2008

Chris sent this to me this morning. It is a re-take from the original with updated statistics, but even those are a bit out of date. They talk about mid-2007 at one point. It is very interesting anyway.

1 thought on “Video of the Day: 01-10-2008”

  1. Did you know that at least 14 states have done research that proves that having a trained Library media specialist in school and actively teaching students about information literacy will result in higher score on standardized tests because we teach students to utilize critical thinking and how to evaluate all the information that is doubling every few days and how to determine what they need to use to find the answers they seek.
    Unfortunately, Minnesota school districts have eliminated something like 350 library media specialists from our schools because the government is reducing funding to schools all the time and school boards do not understand that library media specialist are not keepers of the books anymore!

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